RINGS Goals and Objectives

The primary objective of the RINGS Project is to advance our understanding of the processes contributing to resilience. This is done with the larger goal in mind of developing more effective resilience-building strategies. RINGS research is here to promote the health and wellbeing of service members, veterans, and their families.

This study is unique because our participants are followed longitudinally and assessed multiple times. In this way, it is possible to assess the ways in which people have changed or stayed the same. Our research team uses this data to ask targeted questions about resilience that would not be possible if participants had only completed our surveys once. As a participant in RINGS, you are special because of your ongoing commitment to this important longitudinal research on resilience.

RINGS Project aims:

  • Better understand the impact of military deployments on longitudinal outcomes.
  • Evaluate the important factors associated with readjustment to civilian life.
  • Assess the trajectories of mental health among previous military service members and their romantic partners over time.
  • Identify individual predictors of resilience outcomes. 
  • Test new measures of mental health and resilience that may be used in healthcare settings such as VA medical centers.
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